This page is for guides to help with Blood Bowl related how-to guides for example organizing a Blood Bowl demo and hosting Blood Bowl Tournaments.
Organizing a tournament (How-to-TO)
Guide for tournament organizer. This guide also supports the minimum requirements set for hosting a Finnish Masters championship tournament.
- Quick checklist for TOs
- Information
- NAF event page needs to made at least 2 months before the event and kept up-to-date
- Information about the tournament needs to have the same content in all channels to avoid miscommunication
- Schedule and event changes annouced in mentioned information channels and Blood Bowl – Suomi discord
- Have a schedule at hand with when and what to announce during the event
- Ask for Help
- Ruleset for the event and refereeing Paisti
- Creating NAF event & NAF membership needs (registrations and renewal) N3Rk
- Scheduling of the event date Brutopatia
Organizing a Demonstration (How-to-Demo)
Guide for 30 minute demoruns with association tested methods and pre-set scenarios and rosters for easy demonstration preparations. Printable material.
- Quick checklist for Demoer
- Setup
- Choose teams from premade matchup (bash team attack vs agi team defend). Chaos Dwarfs vs High elf for example.
- Railroad the play! You move the pieces and keep things simply, do not explain in detail all options and why.
- Do not cling into small details as it is time consuming and go back to basic movement and assisting blocks.
- Lineup the players and start with blocking. Start with “this guy assists to give him a 2d block, now roll the dice”.
- Dice math basics during the first turns
- What is 2+, everything fails with 1, everything succeeds with 6.
- 1 die block with block = 2+. Explain why picking up ball after the blocks and blitz are done (2d block vs 3+ pickup)
- For the agi player explain why to dodge away instead of 1d block (2+ vs 3+)
- Explain a block die. Skull is 1, both down is 2, push 3 and 4, defender stumbles 5, pow 6.
- After the basic concept has been understood(turn 4-5), let the Demoee choose what to do and to use reroll or not.
- Help out with questions when asked, but let the player choose the rolls
- Guide giving options instead of answers if needed
- Goals of the demo
- To get Demoee familiar with the common terms and mechanics
- Throught the demo repeat the terms 2+, block and assist
- Preferable using just “because you are leaving from a square next to opponent you need to roll dodge” instead of Tacklezone term
- Block and blitz mechanic, and that assisting is helpful
- Movement and rushing mechanics, why it is important and rushing sometimes needed
- Bare minimum idea of cage for the ball, as in you need to protect the ball carrier
- Picking up the ball
- Hand-off and pass only if needed
- Throught the demo repeat the terms 2+, block and assist
- For Demoee to see that there are cool interactions(knockouts/casualties, ball bouncing/scattering) and how the dice affect the game
- For Demoee to the roll dice and see the magic happen (=have fun), even if at first they do not completely understand what is going on
- To get Demoee familiar with the common terms and mechanics