Finnish National team has been around since 2012 with a little helping push from Blood Bowl community. We were invited by the Danish organizer and managed to gather 5 Finnish players to form a team of 8 with 3 ringers and the rest is history. There will be interviews with the previous Team Captains along the line with more details.
How to get in the National team?
The selection process starts with the choosing of the Captain for the next Eurobowl. Finnish tradition in last day of the Eurobowl is to gather the players in a players meeting. Going over the tournament results and choosing of a Captain for the next Eurobowl. Captain nominee must participate in Eurobowl and be there to be selected. If there are more than one, voting will be used for selection. Because change is good it was decided for now that Captain can be chosen for another year, but after two years a new one should be chosen. After the Captain is chosen, it is up to them to choose their method of how to select the rest of the players for the National team.
The method for the selection (show of interest, skill, will and means) is accounced by the captain as early as possible. Interested players were previously been added to a WhatsApp chat containing all the contenders. Thus providing a good platform for practice matches, discussion and tournament coordination for those with the competitive edge.
- Previous methods and criteria for the selection
- Top positions of the last Eurobowl have gotten invite
- The winner of Finnish Masters series has gotten invite
- Strong concensus has been the show of strenght in a Finnish tabletop tournaments and perform well
- Activity in participation encouraged, providing the show of interest and will
- The winner of big Finnish Masters tournaments have gotten invite
- Other factors
- Tabletop over Online. The EuroBowl tournament is played face-to-face so the evaluation of performance in live event has been required.
- Otherwise solid performance and activite has been taken into to account
- Partipating in tournamants in general helps
- There is also a contender training group with requirement to play 1 practice match a month
- Played race can be determining factor, the National team sorts out the races played among themselves
- If you are not sure your race is “competitive” ask the acting captain or just win a Finnish Masters tournament with solid 4-0-0.
Non-playing Coach is a position is new and in development. If you are interested about the position contact the Captain. Requirements being closely the same (show of interest, skill, will and means) than for the National team in general. It was highly suggested that the Coach position would be open after the National team is selected for the next Eurobowl.
Hungary, Eurobowl 2025
- Captain: Tonalt
- Brutopatia, x, x, x, x, x
Athens, Greece Eurobowl 2024

- Captain: Tonalt
- J-Ho, Jopotzuki, RatOgre, Naama, Brutopatia, EvilSmoothie, sexmachine
- The surge (fourth) generation
- EurOpen Team Finland: N3Rk(c), AleksiMeuronen, johniemi, jimix0, Kalrat
- EurOpen Leftover Allstars: Rhag(c), neimless, prodigal_son, herramonologi
- EurOpen Jämäryhmä: Valkohukka(c), BeerBeer, wasabu, foodog
- jimix0 was substituted by Kalrat
On the road to Athens, National Team Bootcamp

- National team and contender invited for the bootcamp.
- From left and behind: prodigal_son, AleksiMeuronen, Jopotzuki, RatOgre, Rhag, EvilSmoothie, sexmachine, Paisti, N3Rk
- Front row: J-Ho, Tonalt, brutopatia
Pembroke, Malta Eurobowl 2022

- Captain: Jopotzuki
- J-Ho, RatOgre, Naama, AleksiMeuronen, Tonalt, Brutopatia, EvilSmoothie, N3Rk
- The third generation
- EurOpen: N3Rk(c), Paisti, BeerBeer, sexmachine, Neferite (MAL)
- J-Ho was substituted by N3Rk and Neferite substituted him.
Poland 2020 and 2021 Cancelled
- Captain: Jopotzuki
Wales, United Kingdoms Eurobowl 2018
- Captain: Valkohukka
- J_Ho, Harza, MacWitt, Jopotzuki, RatOgre, AleksiMeuronen, Tonalt
- EurOpen: Vesku(c), BeerBeer, juicybee
Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal Eurobowl 2017
- Captain: MacWitt
- J_Ho, Edheim, Valkohukka, Jopotzuki, RatOgre, Naama, AleksiMeuronen
Örebro, Sweden Eurobowl 2016

- Captain: MacWitt
- BeerBeer, Harza, J_Ho, Edheim, Valkohukka, Jopotzuki, RatOgre
- The second generation
- EuroOpen: Simolekyyli(c), Zimone, Teerima
- EuroOpen: Hanu(c), Pera, Vesku
Oostende, Belgium Eurobowl 2014
- Captain: Hanu
- Pera, J_Ho, Harza, Valkohukka, Edheim, MacWitt, Jopotzuki
- For the first time members from outside of the Karhunkaatajat league and the competitive end starting to raise interest.
- EurOpen: BeerBeer, Kalrat, (Teemu jotain)
Vienna, Austria Eurobowl 2013
- Captain: Hanu
- BeerBeer, J_Ho, Kalrat, Pera, gutrot, Vesku, Harza
- The first generation
Albertslund, Denmark Eurobowl 2012

- Captain: Hanu
- BeerBeer, J_Ho, Kalrat, Pera, Knaegten (DEN), Jeguan (DEN), duckwing (SWE).